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WELCOME!:  Special Invite to my LinkedIn friends and fellow collaborators to connect with each other!




End of Summer Update

I've received very supportive feedback and thumbs up acclaim from last Fridays first group meeting.   How was it (our first intro session) for you?

Did you receive and complete the follow-up survey?

** Right now voting for the -?- name of our group-- leading in the poll is Coach Mastermind only ahead by a couple of votes (1st Mondays in a tight second) with no Iowa Apps involved. If you have not seen or completed the Meeting Follow-Up Survey =>>> here is the shortened link 

EMAIL me for the 1st meeting minutes if you have not received it yet and here are the future planned dates for the main (1st Mondays on zoom) - the monthly meeting dates are: 

March 2   April 6

May 4      June 1

July  6      August 3

Sept 7      October 5

Nov  2      December 7 

Lets get some in-between meets planned - what do you have in mind or propose to offer?

I have some other updates and fun resource shares to send later on and I will create a group-cue once we really get going. 

Meanwhile, please continue to contemplate the concept as we'll co-create some outstanding ideas- (keep thinking and guiding on how we can best facilitate a functional format) 

Klav retrieved our Zoom recording and she said watching brought back the excitement she felt while attending -- let me know if it does that for you too!  This is just to be shared among us within the group: 



Remember if not done already - please do the survey [-thank you-]

There have been a few other inquiries lately about joining our group and about a half dozen of those who missed or could not attend (date conflict) still want to participate -- what are your thoughts?

Finally, I really appreciated everyone's input and support for this endeavor - lets make the 2020s a "happening!"  lol  Just be sure you know what you're really getting into with our group:

David D who runs the site Entrepreneurship Facts writes there is something about working together with like-minded people and accomplishing great things together. Truly, no one is an island and this is no more apparent than in joining a Mastermind group.


When more minds work collectively, greater things are achieved collectively too.


1st - Group Coach Conference Call


I am very excited about our upcoming coach (group) conversation and looking forward to it. 


It's good for us to think of this also as a end of the week/month Friday call.  It is our very first call together so please be on-time (a few minutes early if you want to network prior to starting) 


Outside of our (me & you) contact with each other, it is not likely anyone has talked with anyone else prior to our call tomorrow - so it will be exciting to see the assortment of coaches & trainers that are drawn to come together.  

ZOOM access:  

Friday, January 31st (2020) 

2pm ET / 1pm CT / 11am PT


This will be a very open format and structured so we can effectively consider the possibilities of our connecting in a coach conf call within the limits of our time.  Be sure to read about participating!


In addition to meeting each other, assuming we 'all hit it off' we'll be examining the potential of our group, so please think ahead to how our interaction can support your 2020 goals and imagine what you'll be accomplishing in February as we consider our 'what's next'.  You won't be called on or put on the spot (for this call lol) so feel free to share ideas as any positive insights and inspirations around our efforts as it'll be appreciated and offers much to each other.  As with any call, consideration to be concise with time and opinion is "word to the wise".


Because of the larger than anticipated interest, I will tighten up the planned agenda by looking over the survey notes and maybe create some slides. Please check your zoom link & look at the info below as you can.


ZOOM access:  

Friday, January 31st (2020) 

2pm ET / 1pm CT / 11am PT (Calif folks) 


Just a reminder of prior info as needed

I created this page if you want to direct anyone else's attention to it (this page!) for future engagement and we can expand upon our ideas here as this grows out.  Meanwhile, please correspond with me first before sharing this link with anyone else I have not connected with prior.  I am open to new introductions however, this first call is among "us invitees" thank you!


Here is the survey link regarding planning the meeting that was sent out to the people I had connected with, if you have not filled it out here's the link. 

Let me know if you have any issues with access or other questions before the call.


• What was interesting to see last night was the sudden jump in response - it's been great.

-- I got double the amount of survey takers last 48 hrs & that is a positive sign.





Thank You!

.................................................... Michael

Initial Page Information

EARLIER POST: Among the core of people I connected with in January a select few have expressed interest in exploring potential collaboration and possibilities of forming a new Coach Mastermind. We've agreed to meet online via zoom or phone.  Because this is a private group intro call - there is no pitching or attempts to sell anything to the parties involved.

As a peer group, we would network among ourselves, share best practices and gain insight into each other's work and explore how to best support one another's efforts!


To help determine interests and shape the agenda for the call everyone is asked to complete a brief survey.  It is just a few questions and it will help pre-frame the call.


The details on how to join in were sent to you via email or posted on our chat.  If you did not receive your invite or misplaced it please connect with me through here or if you are interested in attending the call and would like make an appointment with me to learn more - this is my appointment app link

Thank you for your interest and see you on the call!   

Friday, January 31, 2020

2pm EST / 1pm CST / 11am PST

Proposed Agenda (subject to change)
1. Introductions and Premise of Call
2. Sharing Insights & Best Practices
3. Leads Interest / Prospect Process
4. Group Coaching / Shared Interest
5. Setting up VIP Access / Courses
6. Development of the Mastermind
7. Lunch Webinar / Hosting Shows
8. Training Future Coaches / Clients
9. Shared Expertise Set-Up / Access
0. Questions and Schedule Set-Up 



© 2025 by Michael Ratner  - All rights reserved.  IGO(tm) is a filed trademark with the USPTO

The content read, shared or found on this site is provided as a resource as information only and is not to be used or relied upon for any diagnostic or treatment purposes.  This site and content does not create any coach-client nor patient-care relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.-- Please consult your health care provider before making any decisions related to lifestyle changes or any guidance about a specific condition medically or otherwise.  Mike Ratner expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any sort of damage, loss, injury, claim or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site.

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